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Modules and themes

webtrees is designed to be extended and modified using modules. The following modules have been created by members of the webtrees community.

Before installing a module, make sure that the module is compatible with your version of webtrees. Modules for webtrees 1.7 will not work with webtrees 2.0 or 2.1 and vice-versa.

For support or to report issues, please contact the author of the module. To add your module to this list, please get in touch.

Installing/removing modules in webtrees 2.0 or 2.1

To install a module in webtrees 2.0 or 2.1, copy it to the folder /modules_v4/. Themes are just special types of module, and are installed in the same folder. To remove a module, just delete it. To temporarily disable a module, rename it from /modules_v4/xxx to /modules_v4/xxx.disable.

Installing/removing modules in webtrees 1.7

In webtrees 1.7, themes and modules are different. Themes are installed by copying them to the folder /themes/. Modules are installed by copying them to the folder /modules_v3/. To remove a module or theme, just delete it.

Ancestor Fan Chart - by MagicSunday - 1.7 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

A replacement for the webtrees fan chart, this module uses the D3JS library to provide an attractive, animated fan chart.

Argon Theme - by Jonathan Chue - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

A theme for the webtrees based on the Argon Design System.

Branch Export - by BlasiusSecundus - 1.7 - website

An alternative to the clippings cart, which allows parts of a tree to be extracted to a GEDCOM file.

ChangeLanguageWithURL - by Jefferson49 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

This module changes the webtrees language by URL requests with the language provided as an URL parameter. The intended use case of the module is to provide a language mechanism for the integration of webtrees into a content management system (CMS) like joomla.

ClippingsCartEnhanced (CCE) - by H&Hwt - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module replaces or supplements the ClippingsCart. Clipping actions have been generally revised and extended. There are additional clipping actions - FamilyList, IndividualList, Search-Advanced, Search-General, Multi-Treeview, Interactive Tree XT - as well as some new global actions. Overview of the collected records is structured; actions can be selectively analysed and undone. A current state of the ClippingsCart can be saved as an external file, saved states can be added to a current state. There are some new output options.

Custom CSS - by makitso - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

Global modifications to all themes, to provide a more compact display and allowing more information to fit on each page.

Cousins - by vytux - 1.7 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

A tab which shows all the cousins of an individual.

Custom JS - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - download

Allows you to add JavaScript to every webtrees page. Typical uses are adding code for tools such as Google Analytics, or modifying existing content, such as adding footers.

NOTE: This function is a standard part of webtrees 2.0 and 2.1.

Descendants Chart - by MagicSunday - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module provides an alternative version for the webtrees descendants chart, this module uses the D3JS library to render an attractive descendants chart capable to display up to 25 generations.

DownloadGedcomWithURL - by Jefferson49 - 2.1 - website

This module downloads GEDCOM files on URL requests with the tree name, GEDCOM file name, and authorization provided as parameters within the URL.

Extended Family - by Hartenthaler - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module creates an additional tab in the Individual view which lists the members of the extended family of that person (cousins, uncles, aunts, …).

Faces - by UksusoFF - 1.7 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

Tag faces on photos.

Fancy Branches - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website

This module is an modified version of the existing webtrees Branches list. It allows the user to expand or collapse each family branch to make viewing easier.

Fancy Gendex - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website

Create gendex files, which can be imported into genealogical search engines.

Fancy Image Bar - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

The Fancy Imagebar is a row of images between header and content of your webtrees site. The image bar is built up with pictures from the media objects in your tree.

Fancy Privacy List - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website

This is an administration module, which shows a list of all individuals in your family tree, where you can review the privacy settings of each individual.

A sidebar module that provides quick links to the search functions in approximately 100 genealogy research websites, both national and international.

Fancy Tree View - by JustCarmen - 2.1 - website

This module adds an additional tab “Descendants and Ancestors” to the individual page, which provide a narrative overview of your family tree. With a few clicks, the administrator can also add pages to the Fancy Treeview menu with links to the Fancy Treeview page for specific individuals.

Fancy Tree View - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website

This module adds pages for several branches in your family tree. These are listed from the first generation down to the last, and provide a narrative overview of your family tree.

Fancy Tree View PDF - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website

This module is an extension for the Fancy Tree View module which gives the option to download a Fancy Treeview page as a PDF file.

Favorites Menu - by Bwong789 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module puts the Favorites list into a menu item for fast access. Supports groups of favorites/user/tree.

Display all the photos in a folder.

GermanChancellorsAndPresidents - by Hartenthaler - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

Provides historical facts (in German language) - Chancellors and Presidents of Germany (since 1949).

GermanWarsAndBattlesWorldwide - by Hartenthaler - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

Provides historical facts (in German language) - Wars and Battles Worldwide (since 900).

Global Message - by HerzScheisse - 2.1 - website - demo

This module adds a notice (flash message) at each page to remind the guest-user that the displayed data is limited (if you have added some restrictions in admin panel) and that they need to log in to see more data.

GVexport - by Neriderc - 2.1 - website

Creates an all-in-one tree in a variety of formats.

Interactive Tree XT (XTV) - by H&Hwt - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module may replace the Interactive Tree of the Webtrees core. Resolution depth, implex handling and separated display of multiple relationships are set via form actions. Sub-trees and family branches can be selectively hidden and shown in the view. The addition of families/individuals not yet contained in the view can be triggered both explicitly and globally. There are statistics on the persons shown in the view. There may an overview of the persons shown in the view, which can be used to jump to these persons. A PageMap allows to navigate through the entire view. The current view can be downloaded as PNG. The families/individuals in the current view may be transferred to CCE.

JustBlack Theme - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website - demo

A dark-gray layout with orange and yellow accents. Smooth Top Navigation Menu. Nice font for titles. Colorbox support for pdf files. Responsive dialog boxes.

Note: As of webtrees 2.0/2.1 the JustBlack theme is part of the JustLight theme (see below).

JustLight Theme - by JustCarmen - 1.7 - website - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

A light theme with focus on readability. It uses a full screen where necessary but takes into account small screens too. This theme is optimized for using on tablets and mobile phones and offers different layouts with some extra’s. If you like a clean layout you certainly want to try this theme.

There are two color palettes available. The JustLight palette is a modern palette in clean white and blue. The JustBlack palette has a dark background and orange accents. This palette is more relaxing for the eyes. You can set a default palette for all users or let your users make their own choice.

LINEAGE (LIN) - by H&Hwt - 2.1 - website

This module shows the individuals/families collected in CCE in a node-link force-directed diagram generated by D3.js. Any reference time can be defined via a slider above the time period defined by the individuals in the database; the state shown in the view adapts accordingly. There are different views. Different family names are displayed using different colour backgrounds for the individual nodes. Specific family names may be used as filter criterion. The view can be exported as an independent HTML. Note: This module only works as an extension to CCE. It is not intended to be called up independently.

Mail system - by Evan Galli - 2.1 - website

Sends an email to users at regular intervals to inform them of changes that have been made.

Add main menu item which links to a page listing various webtrees manuals.

Media folder import - by Romein van Buren - 2.1 - website

Import all media files in the same folder at once from the admin panel.

Add more menu items to the main menu.

Modern Theme - by JessewebDotCom - 2.1.16 - website

This theme optimizes Webtrees for ease of use, whether viewing from a desktop or mobile device, while trying to bring a look and feel more like today’s popular pay-as-you-go family tree services.

It also adds functionality to Webtrees like auto-generated “About” summaries for individuals, timeline view for facts, and more.

Multi-Treeview (MTV) - by H&Hwt - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module extends the duplicate individual checking by displaying each of the detected individuals in a separate interactive tree view (up to 5) to assist in merging duplicate individuals with complementary information.

News-menu - by Tywed - 2.1 - 2.2 - website

This custom module for webtrees introduces a news management system. It extends the functionality of the main menu by adding an extra item that serves as a portal to the news section. The news management system allows users to attach images to their news posts, enriching the content with visual elements.

OpenStreetMap - by ric2016 - 1.7 - website

This module provides an alternative to the Google Maps™ module, using OpenStreetMap.

Pedigree Chart - by MagicSunday - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

A replacement for the webtrees pedigree chart, this module uses the D3JS library to provide an attractive pedigree chart capable to display up to 25 generations.

Pages - by vytux - 1.7 - website

Add pages of information, with links from the main menu.

Photos - by UksusoFF - 2.1 - website

Show latest uploaded photos in block.

Primer Theme - by Fredrik Ekdahl - 2.1 - website

This theme takes inspiration from the look and feel on the GitHub web site. It also adds some icons for menus and other controls. The design used on GitHub is called the Primer Design System. The available palettes are: Dark default, dark dimmed, dark high contrast, light default and light high contrast.

Reminder - by UksusoFF - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

Sends a daily reminder of anniversaries.

Repository Hierarchy - by Jefferson49 - 2.1 - website - demo

This module presents the structure of a repository and its sources in a hierarchical manner. Based on the hierarchical structure, a finding aid document (HTML or PDF export) can be generated. The module also provides an EAD XML export, which enables data exchange and linking with an external archive management system or with an archive portal.

Rural Theme - by jon48 - 1.7 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

The Rural theme is mainly based on brown tones, as a tribute to the earth our ancestors used to cultivate, with some green, color of nature. A companion of webtrees for over a decade now, its characteric layout is still organised around the main genealogical content being wrapped within a responsive white panel on a brown background.

The header image can be customised, by replacing the file ./modules_v4/myartjaub_ruraltheme/resources/images/header.png by a personal one. There is only a constraint on the height which cannot exceed 150px.

Simple Auto Login - by fanningert - 2.0 - website

This module provides a simple way to add a SSO auto login for webtrees in combination with a authentication proxy (like oauth2-proxy).

This simple module allows you to set up a new footer item with or without link to an additional page. You can use it to add your credits or copyright to the footer or to add a link to your own custom page with your privacy policy or additional conditions. You can write the page text using the build-in texteditor.

Simple Media Display - by JustCarmen - 2.1 - website

As of webtrees 2.1, additional images belonging to the same media objects are ignored on the facts and events tab and in the scrolling image box. Additional notes are also no longer visible. With this simple module you get back the old behavior of webtrees 2.0.

Simple Menu - by JustCarmen - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This simple module allows you to set up a new menu item and a new page. You can write the page text using the build-in texteditor.

Tagging Service Manager (TSM) - by H&Hwt - 2.1 - website

This module implements a service that works on ‘Shared Notes’ (sNOTES). TSM provides a structure for how an sNOTE is to be defined: A defined prefix - by default ‘TAG:’ (can be edited/extended as desired in the settings) - enables the targeted selection and identification of sNOTES. They can be assigned or removed in one step across all data records collected in the ClippingsCart. Confirmations are suspended for these overall actions, but are documented individually in the logs as usual.

Note: TSM can only be accessed via CCE.

TAM - by H&Hwt - 2.1 - website

This module shows the individuals/families collected in CCE in a node-link force-directed diagram generated using D3.js. Families are presented as circles, children of a family are person nodes arranged in them. The diameter of a family circle corresponds to the range of the birth dates of the people included - the further apart they are, the larger the circle. The date is derived from the original Gedcom. The analysis is simpler/stricter than in Webtrees Core, oversized circle diameters are an indication of ambiguous dates. In this respect, TAM can be used as an analysis tool for aspects of data quality. TAM stands for ‘Topographic Attribute Map’, the color values ​​of the person nodes correspond to a color gradient across the people included in the view. The entire view can be underlaid with a quasi-topographic map, the contour lines in it correspond to annual values. The view can be exported as an independent HTML. A current state can be saved, and saved states can also be read again.

Note: This module only works as an extension to CCE. It is not intended to be called independently.

Topola Interactive Tree - by PeWu - 1.7 - 2.0 - website

An interactive tree, showing ancestors and descendants.

Tree View Full Screen - by UksusoFF - 1.7 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

Add full screen button for interactive tree view tab.

Various - by André Dumas - 1.7 - website

André has written several modules, but the download links on his site are not currently working.

Vesta Classic Look & Feel - by ric2016 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

This module adjusts all themes and other features, providing a look & feel closer to the webtrees 1.x version.

Vesta Extended Relationships - by ric2016 - 1.7 - website - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

This module provides an extended “Relationships” chart. It also displays additional relationship information via the extended “Families” tab, and the extended “Facts and Events” tab.

Vesta Gov4Webtrees - by ric2016 - 1.7 - website - 2.0 - 2.1 - website - demo

This module enhances places with historical and current GOV data, creating a place hierarchy with administrative levels from the date of the respective event.

Vesta Places and Pedigree Map - by ric2016 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module provides replacements for the original “Places” and “Pedigree map” modules, using location data from GEDCOM, as well as location data provided by other modules.

Vesta Research Suggestions - by ric2016 - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module provides suggestions for additional research, based on available sources. It is helpful in particular if you have a large number of unsourced events (e.g. events initially taken over from another tree) which are expected to be covered by a manageable number of shared sources.

Vesta Shared Places - by ric2016 - 1.7 - website - 2.0 - 2.1 - website

This module supports shared places as level 0 GEDCOM objects, on the basis of the GEDCOM-L addendum to the GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification. It displays data via the extended “Facts and Events” tab, enhancing places with data obtained from the respective shared place.

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